

ATG’s core focus has been providing years of logistics support to our customers maintaining cognizance of the operational and combat readiness posture of fielded aviation, missile and missile defense units and developing plans to improve weapon system readiness while reducing total ownership cost. 

  • Lifecycle Logistics Support

  • Integrated Logistics Support

  • Supply Management

  • Property Management

  • Provisioning

  • Integrated Product Teams( IPT)

  • Maintenance and Sustainment Planning

  • Technical Publications

  • Configuration Management

  • Training

  • Facilities Management

  • Foreign Military Sales

Acquisition Logistics

  • Independent / Integrated Logistics Assessments (ILA)

  • Lifecycle Support Analysis Plans (LCSP)

  • Material Fielding Plans (MFP)

Technical Data Packages

  • Maintenance Allocation Charts (MAC)

  • Repair Parts Special Tools Lists (RPSTL)


ATG conducts reviews and analysis to ensure critical requirements, acquisition objectives, and lifecycle support are accomplished in accordance with established regulations/policy. We provide recommendations on milestone awards, delivery schedules, and other key aspects required from the strategic plans. Our customers rely our programmatic research, analysis, and recommendations along with costs and performance metrics to ensure that acquisition objectives are accomplished on time and within budget.

  • Strategic and Project Planning

  • Project Implementation

  • Acquisition & Deployment

  • Budget/Financial Forecasting and Analysis

  • Business Case Analysis

  • Policy Formulation

  • Schedule Development / Assessments

    • Business Process Improvement

  • Cost Estimating and Analysis

  • Database Management

  • Project Control Analysis/Reporting

  • Technology Forecasting

  • Operations Research Analysis and System Analysis

  • Foreign Military Sales

  • International Programs

  • Cooperative Development Agreements Programs


ATG provides innovative minds to resolve complex technology challenges, while minimizing risk to weapon systems and personnel.

  • Software/Hardware Engineering

  • Research Analysis

  • Parts Failure Analysis & Repair Development Coordination

  • Value Engineering/Lifecycle Cost Reduction (VE/LCCR)

  • System/Software Requirements Review (SRR)

  • System/Software Functional Review (SFR)

  • Software Specifications Review (SSR)

  • Preliminary Design Reviews

  • Critical Design Reviews (CDR)

  • In Process Reviews (IPR)

  • Functional Configuration Audits (FCA)

  • Physical Configuration Audits (PCA)

  • Formal Qualification Reviews (FQR)

  • Technical Data Packages

  • Airworthiness Release Analysis

  • Configuration Management

  • Aircraft Depot Level Modifications

  • Technical Data Analysis

  • Planning & Assessment for Deployment

  • Risk Analysis / Management

  • Technical Planning & Analysis
         -Field/Integrate Complex Systems


As we see increased threats ATG provides the necessary analysis and testing of systems to ensure our warfighters receive the most secure equipment and mission planning software.

  • Information Assurance

  • Information Security

  • Vulnerability Analysis

  • Penetration Testing

  • Data Protection

  • Continuous Monitoring

  • Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Safeguarding